Come, come...Whoever you are! Rumi fans, poetry lovers, Come hear the poetry of Rumi, bask in the vibe, feel the love.
Together with the two wonderful musicians, Bernard Flament and Gregory Bromey at lesvoiesondine, we enter into the Rituals of Sama Yoga, which it's aim is to reach the source of all perfection, or kemal:
This is sought through abandoning one’s nafs, egos or personal desires, by listening to the music, focusing on God, and spinning one’s body in repetitive circles, which has been seen as a symbolic imitation of planets in the Solar System orbiting the sun.
Sama originated among Sufis, who represent a deeply mystical side of Persian Islam best known from its most famous son — Rumi — the 13th Century sage whose poetry is often quoted in a wide range of spiritual circles. (His full name is actually Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī but he’s usually referred to by his nickname which means “the Roman.”)
Sama means “listening” and Sufi ceremony can also include dhikr or zikr (“remembrance”, which is chanting the names of the Divine); its whirling dance is still performed by Sufi dervishes of the Mevlevi order, among others (such as the Rifa’i-Marufi).
In this workshop, you’ll be initiated into the mystery and power of Sama yoga (short introduction of 7 major Arkana mouvement) with sound healing, mystical poetry, and ancient wisdom teachings.