If you are looking for clarity, serenity and compassion in your life and need help to design a more meaningful experience with it then 1:1 transformational sessions are made for you. Join the transformational Journey
1:1 Sessions
I work in a very holistic and harmonious way to unlock unbroken freedom and inner peace that everyone possesses. My approach is unique as I always see myself as a student of life and not “THE TEACHER / COACH”. I am a truth seeker..
I’m here to teach what I am to learn about myself. LIFE FOR ME IS Yoga, AND YOGA is about relationships first and most important relationship of all, the one with ourselves.
When we are honest about the truth and the reality of triggers people bring into our lives we become more conscious beings. We stop feeling guilty, blaming, judging and self sabotaging..
I believe everybody on this planet is doing their very best at any point of time and space with the understanding of awareness and knowledge that they have, Including myself. People come to our lives to teach us what we need to know about ourselves; if we go through the ones who brought us joy or pain and if we are honest enough we can see the pattern we are following with ourselves. If we can change our own thinking we will change, and we can see that other people will also change. This is where our freedom lies. The ability to choose our thoughts. The biggest mistake and suffering is that we believe our thought of separation from Love.
So in truth Love is the answer and forgiveness is the key to Love.
I use transformational tools such as Yoga of awakening, Numerological life purpose system energy healing, A course in miracle, Positive psychology, DNA Activation sequence through affirmations and quantum medicine healing, helping myself to go deeper in this path of healing by helping the ones who are as curious as I am.
To wake up together from the dream of separation using the non -duality approach, self inquiry, yoga philosophy, shadow work, sound healing and power of using your voice through sacred chants and transformational Ashtanga yoga and shamanic retreats..
I have been so lucky studying with masters and great teachers , transforming my own life and love to share my own experience with those willing to walk this path of transformation with me.
The question is are you willing to see yourself through lenses of your truth?
Book your free 1:1 consultation call with me: