Past Retreats


After a year and a half, you may be feeling like the pandemic has taken a toll on your nervous system.

Uncertainty, instability, and heightened stress have left many feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, burned out, or simply lacking enthusiasm.

Connecting to the nature with its calmness, openness, beauty and silence helps us becoming more present to our embodied experience -As we open our bodies and minds to these forces in nature, they guide us with their own intelligence, leading us through our To follow these forces wherever they lead is to immerse ourselves in the living spirit of yoga.

This one week retreat, held on the sweet and magical beach house in Ragusa (Sicily), will involve 6 morning Mysore-style asana practices followed by gentle sessions of pranayama and meditation, along with 2 evening workshops and explorations lovingly designed to illuminate our theme. 

Most importantly, this week is designed to awaken us to the elegance and simplicity of being who we are. Allowing the creative forces to move beyond our limited beliefs in a shared place which the spirit of yoga can breathe.

Yogic rituals to express the natural openness of consciousness.  

“I got to know Ramona a few years ago, and I was happy to finally have found a teacher in Brussels who goes down that deep in the knowledge of yoga (philosophy, pranayama and of course ansanas). 

As a student I feel safe and challenged in my practice with Ramonas instructions, they are precise and clear. Her hands-on mentality and adjustments are well placed in order to deepen my position or to bring me exactly where I thought I couldn't reach on my own. And I'm always surprised where I'm, how I feel afterwards. 

For me the combination of her precise instructions, helpful adjustments and Ramonas spiritual guidance help me to forget my stress, to reconnect to myself and discover new parts of me. 

I'm thankful for the experiences we shared together in Sicily 2021. 

Blissful, powerful, playful and spiritual  - that's how I describe Ramonas approach to Yoga - that I very much appreciate as well as our yoga community 🙏 ♥️ “

- Isabelle Stucker